I wish you had not died. Because the death of a youth is a loss, all that potential going down the drain. Also, I had a bone to pick with you and your untimely death denied me the opportunity to do so. It's not that big a deal really. It's just that the issue keeps gnawing at me. I was much younger back then. I wasn't equipped enough mentally to address the situation. I remember my mother sitting me down and solemnly letting me know of your passing. At that moment I felt nothing. I usually feel nothing in some highly emotional situations. The feeling usually hits after a while. In this case it's been about a decade but I still feel nothing. It could be because I barely knew you. We were first cousins but we were never really close. Which is why your little outburst surprised me. I simply tried to extend a friendly hand. You did not have to bite my head off like that, in front of people. Could it be that I was out of line? I've evaluated that encounter thousands ...